Built with Django Newsletter - January 2024 Edition
Hey, Happy Friday!
Why are you getting this: *You signed up to receive this newsletter on Built with Django. I promised to send you the latest projects and jobs on the site as well as any other interesting Django content I encountered during the month. If you don't want to receive this newsletter, feel free to unsubscribe anytime.
News and Updates
- I have been working on a new project lately that might be related to you (it might replaces Django Jobs). It's called Tech Job Alerts. I parse a few places on the web for the latest jobs in tech. You can subscribe to any technology you feel the most comfortable with (e.g. Django) and you will receive a digest every week with the freshest jobs. It's free.
- Ross Poulton wrote a postabout sun setting Djangosites. Built with Django might replace it on the Django's Community Page 🤩 Here is the PR
- GetDeploying - Curated list of cloud providers and managed services
- Apivault - A completely free and open source portal that contains all the public APIs available online, so you can get inspired for new projects!
- ReviewIt - Connect with mentors worldwide for personalized resume feedback on Review It, a free and open-source platform. Elevate your professional story, whether you're entering the job market.
- Mackdin - Mackdin is a social networking project I created using Python with Django and a bit of React. It's a customized clone of LinkedIn.
- Construction Calculator - Fast and accurate online calculators for construction and repair
- Circumeo - A hosting platform dedicated to the Django Framework.
- Nice CV - Create nice CVs for your job applications
- tinyTourneys - tinyTourneys.com is a free and easy basketball tournament solution designed to provide a positive experience for directors, teams and fans.
- Spectrum Bike Parts - Bicycle parts search engine that determines the cross-compatibility of bike parts.
- Proximovie - Proximovie uses advanced algorithms to analyze a vast collection of movies and identify how similar they are to each other; then we add a layer of user upvotes for perfect recommendations.
- Alternativas - Currently Spanish-only website of crowdsourced software alternatives similar to the famous English version alternativeto(.)net.
- Gameserver Network Website - Application containing an embedded Discord Bot, whose purpose is to query a list of created game servers for state and player information, as well as keep track of rules, banned items, and more.
From the Community
- 20 Django Packages That I Use in Every Project by none other than my favorite Django Educator Will Vincent
- Safely rewriting complex code by Timo Zimmermann
- pre-commit: Block files based on name with a custom “fail” hook by the amazing Adam Johnson
- Thoughts on Django application architecture approaches by Bradley Kirton
End Note
If you stumble upon any cool Django projects please let me know.
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Thanks a ton in advance and have a wonderful weekend.
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